Awe is a defining emotion for humans and
experiencing it together is what helps us get along.
–Florence Williams author of The Nature Fix
In Partnership with Olympic Mountain EarthWisdom Circle
Remembering Our Place in the Sacred Circle of Life
6-Zoom Meetings
March 4th - April 8th, 2025

Christina is a gifted teacher who nurtures the growth of her students with an attentive sensitivity and supportive inquiry. Each week she revealed a new facet of nature-connection that focused our creative energies in the sacred flow of all things. Her guidance and feedback allowed me to gain confidence in my writing and I thoroughly enjoyed the concepts and writing she presented as well as the class.
– Regan Stacey (Spring 2024)
more testimonials >
During six, 2-hour workshop sessions, we will read poetry, prose, and essays that touch on the magnificence of Mother Earth.
The aim of the class is to be inspired by your ventures into Nature, the selected reading, and our discussions.
Your writing practice will be nourished by your deepening relationship with the natural world. We will also explore how artistic acts like writing, painting, sculpting, singing, playing music, cooking, baking, gardening, etc., are prayers towards healing and opportunities to share our heart-based creations.
All Levels Welcome
Format: Virtual 2-hour Zoom class
Dates: March 4th - April 8th, 2025
Class will convene every Tuesday
Two Time Offerings. Email Christina for more Information
Class #1: 4 PM (PST) / 7 PM (EST) / 23:00 (GMT)
Class #2: 10 AM (PST) / 1 PM (EST) / 17:00 (GMT)
Class size: Limit to 10
Course Fee: $185.00 with 10% going to Olympic Mountain EarthWisdom Circle (OMEC)
In Partnership with UCSD Division of Extended Studies
Nature Writing: The True Muse
Spring 2025
April 7 - May 17
6-week asynchronous course

I LOVED this course. It is my favorite so far. Christina has a way of teaching the soul of writing, not just the rules. And the use of Nature as a guide brought out meaningful and imaginative stories I didn't even know I had in me. This class was educational and inspirational.
– UCSD Div. of Extended Studies student
more testimonials
Next Offering Spring 2025
As writers, we are the witness and voice of our time, and as such, we are invited to translate what we experience to share and celebrate with the generations to come.
This course invites you to develop your writing while reconnecting with Mother Nature, or as author Bill Plotkin says, "grow deeper into our human nature". We will immerse ourselves in the contemplations of writers who have spent their life close to the heartbeat of Mother Nature. Through the examples of their offerings, your own discoveries in the inner and outer composition of your landscapes, you will shape writing that reveals the joy, and sometimes heartache, of walking this Earth.
Inspiration will come from time in Nature and direct experience with all she offers us. We will reclaim our wild self and play with a variety of forms from poetry to prose to performance.
In Partnership with UCSD Division of Extended Studies
Forms of Poetry
February 2nd to March 15th 2025
6-week asynchronous course

Christina is a standout instructor, as indicated by the five-star rating. Christina demonstrates care and concern for students' well-being outside of class and works with students to accommodate their needs with understanding, flexibility, and compromise.
– UCSD Div. of Extended Studies student
more testimonials
Amy Lowell wrote, “No one expects a man to make a chair without first learning how, but there is a popular impression that the poet is born, not made, and that his verses burst from his overflowing heart of themselves.
As a matter of fact, the poet must learn his trade in the same manner, and with the same painstaking care,
as the cabinet-maker.”
Let’s look at poetry from a designer’s perspective. As a designer of poetry, we are charged with creating works of beauty that sometimes fall within certain parameters such as: What does this “space” need? What do I want to “say” here? What are my materials? In this course, students will address the design qualities of a poem by experimenting with forms like the sonnet, ballad, ode, haiku, and villanelle.
No previous experience required
Course Number: WCWP-40308 Credit: 2.00 units
Certificate Programs: Creative Writing
Past Offerings
Course: Remembering Our Place in the Sacred Circle of Life (OMEC)
Fall & Spring courses offered since October 2021
Course: Forms of Poetry of Poetry (UCSD Extended Studies)
Winter & Summer courses offered since 2015
Course: Nature Writing: The True Muse (UCSD Extended Studies)
Fall & Spring courses offered since 2022
Workshop: Nature Writing: A Cross Curriculum Exercise (Grauer School)
March 2023
Workshop: Creative Writing & Spring Renewal (California Center for Creative Renewal)
April 2023
Workshop: Radiance in the Darkness (Salem Athenaeum, MA)
December 2022
Workshop: Creativity & Belonging: Mother Nature as Muse (Grauer School)
March 2022
Course: Introduction to Poetry (UCSD Extended Studies)
Offered from 2014 to 2016
Course: Investigative Poetics: Our Other Self (UCSD Extended Studies)
Offered from 2009 to 2016